Friday, March 28, 2008

Top Ten

I thought you might enjoy a few memories from my time in the village:

10- min. before I left, my friend decides not to go and sends me with her family
9- offers for marriage…from sisters, mothers, cousins…for their fellas.
8- cups of hot tea in one day (all in the name of hospitality)
7- months pregnant lady, who I shared a twin bed with for two nights
6- a.m. breakfast over the fire
5- hrs of sleep the whole trip
4- kids in the village wearing pants (no need for diapers!)
3- times cradled in sickness by a village lady
2- hrs packed in a land cruiser
1- Name worthy of praise through it all!

Back in the City...
The same friend connected to the village was married this month. I stayed at her house the night before the wedding, which gave me the privilege of providing these photos for you. Her husband gave this cow as a gift. I’ll spare you the middle picture, but just know her little sister didn’t mind getting a close-up of the process…


After. As it was served to L and I for lunch.

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